Easy Color

I saw this container planting the other day in one of the garden centers and had to take a photo. The orange New Guinea impatiens or Sunpatiens are showy, but much of the color depends on the colorful foliage of the chartreuse sweet potato vine and the aucuba shrub. A good choice of plants for easy color!
Sunshine ligustrum, with its chartreuse to yellow foliage, has become very popular in the last couple of years. It is a small to medium sized shrub, very adaptable to pruning, good for adding color to the landscape in a sunny area.

For shaded sites, there's the Sunshine anise. It is supposed to only achieve a height of about four feet with an equal spread. 

If you want a similar color without using a shrub, there's Elena Colocasia or elephant ear. It just stays in a clump that gradually widens. But I have never found it to be overly aggressive like the large, dark green elephant ears. 


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