Early May This Year in the Tallahassee Garden

Erythrina bidwillii, Bidwill's hybrid coral bean, is in bloom now. This variation of the native coral bean, crossed with another Erythrina, the cockspur coral tree, is showier than the native.

Firecracker plant, Russelia equisetiformis, in bloom now in full sun.

Bush allamanda has been in bloom for quite a while now and is still going strong!

Angel's trumpet, Brugmansia, keeps going through cycles of flowers. They are very fragrant, especially in the evening.

Caribbean copper plant, Euphorbia cotinifolia, adds color with its foliage.

Variegated shell ginger is great for adding colorful foliage too, and it works well in shaded areas.

Confederate jasmine perfumes the air, especially in the evening.

A simple but attractive color planting of Gold Mound Duranta and blue daze.
This is a good time to repair damaged areas of the lawn using plugs which come in trays like this from the garden center.
Just be sure to keep the plugged area well watered until the plugs become well rooted.


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