Flowers and Color for the Summer

Summer can be a colorful time of year, if you have the right plants. Here are just a few ideas. For Sunny Areas Provided it has good drainage and plenty of sun, vinca is extremely easy to grow and offers a lot of color. Melampodium is also extremely easy to grow. Just give it a site that's mostly sunny. Trailing torenia, like the 'Summer Wave' series, will flower from now until late fall. It prefers morning sun and a little shade from the harsh, late afternoon summer sun. Narrow-leaf zinnia is very heat and sun tolerant. Make sure it has good drainage and it should do well. Ornamental sweet potato vine can provide a lot of color quickly in a large area as it continually spreads. This chartreuse form provides a contrast for darker colors, such as with this red coleus. Lantana, on the right, is available in a number of different varieties. This one, called 'Sonset', is particularly colorful. The plant on the left, 'Gold Mound' or ...